
Spotted lanternfly spreads by hitching a ride with humans

Spring brings warmer weather, blooming flowers and the unfortunate re-emergence ...

For clues to healthy brain aging, look to the Bolivian ...

Some of the lowest rates of heart and brain disease ever reported by science are...

Can synthetic polymers replace the body’s natural prote...

Most life on Earth is based on polymers of 20 amino acids that have evolved into...

JMIR Medical Education invites submissions for its new ...

JMIR Medical Education is excited to announce the launch of a new theme issue, C...

Upgraded tumor model optimizes search for cancer therapies

HOUSTON – (March 20, 2023) – Tumor cells won’t show their true selves in a petri...

Scientists devise new way to measure skin barrier function

The skin is the primary physical barrier against harmful substances in the envir...

A sowing, pruning, and harvesting robot for Synecocultu...

Synecoculture is a new agricultural method advocated by Dr. Masatoshi Funabashi,...

Spherical particles growth with dynamics oscillation du...

They published their work on Feb. 6 in Energy Material Advances. Credit: MOE Key...

Hummingbirds use torpor in varying ways to survive cold...

Hummingbirds have the fastest metabolism of any animal. The tropical hummingbird...

Parasites alter likelihood of fish being caught by anglers

Angling, a type of fishing, is a popular pastime across the world, and is known ...

Brookhaven Lab physicist Mary Bishai elected DUNE Co-Sp...

UPTON, NY—Mary Bishai, a distinguished scientist at the U.S. Department of Energ...

British museum specimen gives insights into Australia’s...

Special cranial adaptations, including an asymmetrical ‘wonky’ skull and enlarge...

Sculpting quantum materials for the electronics of the ...

The development of new information and communication technologies poses new chal...

Top-down control of bottom-up material synthesis @ nano...

In a new publication from Opto-Electronic Advances, 10.29026/oea.2023.230023 Pro...

Instrument adapted from astronomy observation helps cap...

By adapting technology used for gamma-ray astronomy, a group of experimental res...

Link between chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular ...

Researchers from Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) have uncovered a lin...