4 Studies Proving L. Rhamnosus Helps You Lose Weight

There are many things out there that people will say helps you lose weight – from strange diets to uncomfortable “workouts.” But not many of these have the actual research to back them up. Take “vibration plates,” for example. These are vibrating platforms you stand on to jiggle fat and muscles, advertised as burning calories […] The post 4 Studies Proving L. Rhamnosus Helps You Lose Weight appeared first on Purality Health® Liposomal Products.

Aug 3, 2023 - 20:00
4 Studies Proving L. Rhamnosus Helps You Lose Weight

There are many things out there that people will say helps you lose weight – from strange diets to uncomfortable “workouts.” But not many of these have the actual research to back them up. Take “vibration plates,” for example. These are vibrating platforms you stand on to jiggle fat and muscles, advertised as burning calories without moving a muscle. But there isn’t any hard science showing that it will actually lead to weight loss. 

In today’s blog, you’re going to learn about a weight loss method that does have scientific research backing it up. 

Let’s jump right in!

Lactobacillus rhamnosus

Lactobacillus rhamnosus (L. rhamnosus) is a gut friendly bacteria. It’s found naturally in your gut and is known for eliminating bad bacteria from the body and increasing the presence of good bacteria. And as you’ll learn below, it can actually help you lose weight.

L. rhamnosus is the most studied probiotic strain known to science. 

As such, there is plenty of research on the health benefits of L. rhamnosus. You can see our blog 10 Health Benefits Of L. Rhamnosus by clicking here.

One of these health benefits is weight loss. 

L. rhamnosus plays a major role in the health of your gut, digestion, and nutrient metabolism. When it comes to your body deciding how to manage the nutrients, proteins, and fats of the foods you take in – L. rhamnosus is right in the thick of it!

This means L. rhamnosus has some big decisions to make, and as you’re about to see, it makes a lot of GOOD decisions. Below, you’ll learn about four studies that show that L. rhamnosus helps your body manage and lose weight.

Study #1 – Less stored calories 

L. rhamnosus is part of a probiotic family called Lactobacillus. They’ve been found to be extremely beneficial for human health, with L. rhamnosus being the most well-researched out of all of them.

Our first study looked at these lactobacillus strains and how they affected metabolism and what your body does with the food you eat. They found that lactobacillus actually stopped your body from taking in excess calories and storing them as fat.

This is perfect for anyone looking to manage their weight and lower their chances of weight gain following an increase in calories. [1]

Study #2 – Reduced food cravings

Did you know that the bacteria in your gut can actually control your food cravings? They want certain things, and they can make your brain release or withhold certain hormones, causing you to want certain foods while avoiding others. 

This just shows the power of gut bacteria. Thankfully, L. rhamnosus has been shown to have a similar but more positive effect. 

In this second study, people struggling with weight management were given L. rhamnosus daily. Within just 12 weeks, food cravings decreased, fullness from meals increased, and those taking the L. rhamnosus even saw weight loss! [2]

Study #3 – Prevents weight gain

If you’re someone who is happy with their weight, or if you’ve lost weight in the past and don’t want to regain it, L. rhamnosus can help. 

Part of the way L. rhamnosus boosts metabolism is not just how it manages calories but also how it manages fat. 

In a landmark study from 2013, researchers fed mice a daily dose of L. rhamnosus. They observed that the mice receiving the probiotic had decreased weight gain, even when they were fed a high-fat diet. This is because L. rhamnosus prevents fat accumulation by stimulating a hormone responsible for regulating fat in a healthy way. [3]

Study #4 – Increases weight loss 

With all of this, what happened when researchers put L. rhamnosus to the test for the sole purpose of seeing how it helped those trying to lose weight?

After seeing the above three studies, you probably won’t be surprised to find out that after taking a daily dose of quality L. rhamnosus, women saw “significant weight loss” after just twelve weeks. This loss increased even more after the 24-week mark and beyond. Additionally, those who took the L. rhamnosus were shown to have a huge boost of beneficial bacteria within their gut. [4]

Using L. rhamnosus for weight loss

While this all sounds incredible, before you run off to buy some L. rhamnosus…

There’s something you should know.

Your body rarely absorbs store-bought, conventional probiotics. 

There are three main reasons for this:

  1. They don’t survive the manufacturing process: Probiotics are extremely fragile. All too often, they’re destroyed before they can even hit store shelves, never mind your gut. Between production, packaging, and shipping, conventional probiotics often don’t last long enough to get to your gut and make a difference. 
  2. They don’t survive digestion: For the probiotics that are lucky enough to make it to the point of consumption, that’s often when their trip ends. Before the probiotics make it to your gut, where they can thrive, they need to pass through your stomach. The harsh acids and enzymes within your stomach meant to break down food before sending it to your gut can easily destroy the fragile probiotics. 
  3. They’re beaten out by other probiotics: If a few probiotics are part of a real success story and make it into the gut, they can still run into issues. Most probiotic supplements contain a large number of probiotic strains. It’s basically companies throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks. But the answer is that none of it will stick since, when probiotics enter the gut like this together, they actually compete with each other to try to become the dominant strain. This distracts them from their real benefits and can even cause a hostile gut microbiome. 

This is why we created our Micelle Liposomal L. Rhamnosus Probiotic supplement. Infused with our unique and patented micelle liposomal formula, the L. rhamnosus strain is protected right from production until it hits your gut. From there, it can flourish properly without having to compete with other strains. 

With our highly absorbable L. rhamnosus, you can actually get REAL results from this probiotic. 

Plus, we’re currently running a HUGE sale!

>>> Click here to see how you can save on probiotics that actually work (or your money back) 


The post 4 Studies Proving L. Rhamnosus Helps You Lose Weight appeared first on Purality Health® Liposomal Products.

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